Ruby Net::HTTP Vulnerability

I just saw on the Codegear Ruby newsgroups that a vulnerability on the net/https library was reported. Basically the library doesn’t validate the server certificate CN (Common Name). You can read the details here:...

How to Format Ruby Code for Blogs

I saw this article on formatting ruby code for blogs. Nice article, but the code is Linux/KDE-specific. Also, OS X threw an error about the order of the require statements. Being that I use OS X (and so should you) I needed to make a couple of changes to the code that...

How fast does your Ruby run?

Here’s a fun article on the Ruby Forum where someone provided a simple benchmarking utility. Several posters (including me) have run this to see how well Ruby runs on their system relative to other posters. n = 1_000_000 start_time = for i in 1..n t =...

Working around the Swing setMinimumSize bug

Within Swing you’re supposed to be able to specify the minimum size for a frame with a simple call. For instance, assume that I made a frame that extends JFrame. Consider adding the following line to the constructor: setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600,400)); This...

Using Java Assertions

[Originally Posted 25-July-2004] Most Java programmers know that as of Java 2 release 1.4 a new keyword “assert” has been added. But far less programmers know what it’s good for. Developer Exchange has a great article explaining assertions and how to...

Introduction to AOP in Spring

[Originally Posted 18-July-2004] has a great article on Aspect Oriented Programming and the Spring Framework. AOP via Spring is done in a very neat and pragmatic approach. No pre-compilers (like AspectJ) needed. Just simple XML configuration of your Spring...

The Java is Faster than C++ Benchmark

[Originaly Posted 22-June-2004] I knew that Java was gaining ground on C++ in a lot of areas with respect to performance, but this is quite impressive… Note that while the client JavaVM still has pretty bad performance (it’s...

The Java Web Services Tutorial

[Originally Posted 26-May-2004] This tutorial is a beginner’s guide to developing enterprise applications using the Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP). The Java WSDP is an all-in-one download containing key technologies to simplify building of Web...