Adding to the Ruby Library Path

My friend Lori noted a great way to Add to the Ruby Library Path. She also noted that I had no way to put comments on my blog. Users would get sent to a page telling them to log in, but I never provided the login link Fixed — check out the “Links”...

How Ruby Finds Libraries

In Ruby not library management is not always as simple as running gem install. Some Ruby code is distributed simply as libraries. So where do you put these libraries? The clue is in the Ruby $LOAD_PATH variable. irb(main):001:0> puts $LOAD_PATH...

Ruby Net::HTTP Vulnerability

I just saw on the Codegear Ruby newsgroups that a vulnerability on the net/https library was reported. Basically the library doesn’t validate the server certificate CN (Common Name). You can read the details here:...

How to Format Ruby Code for Blogs

I saw this article on formatting ruby code for blogs. Nice article, but the code is Linux/KDE-specific. Also, OS X threw an error about the order of the require statements. Being that I use OS X (and so should you) I needed to make a couple of changes to the code that...

How fast does your Ruby run?

Here’s a fun article on the Ruby Forum where someone provided a simple benchmarking utility. Several posters (including me) have run this to see how well Ruby runs on their system relative to other posters. n = 1_000_000 start_time = for i in 1..n t =...

Working around the Swing setMinimumSize bug

Within Swing you’re supposed to be able to specify the minimum size for a frame with a simple call. For instance, assume that I made a frame that extends JFrame. Consider adding the following line to the constructor: setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600,400)); This...